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Do you need the translation of the documents, marketing materials, website, paperwork? Verbatim Languages offers an efficient and hassle-free method of translation by experienced and professional translators.


Proxy Web Translation is a layer at the top of the original website providing a real-time translation into the visitor’s language using the translation memory uploaded by the translation agency. Where are the foreign language versions of the website hosted?
The original website does not multiply. Only the original website exists fully controlled by its own. Visitors see the original website, but instead of the source tags, they see the translation projected by the translation proxy on the fry. The translated text comes from the translation memory that has been previously uploaded by the agency.


The translation memory uploaded to the proxy may be created by machine translation, professional human translation or a combination of the two. The efficiency of the translator’s job is assisted by the in-context translation interface. Translators can highlight text segments for translation in the original layout and can do the translation in the original context. This means that they get instant visual feedback of the visual and contextual fit of the translation in its original surroundings which significantly decreases the risk of making errors. Learn more about translation.

When the translation is ready, the foreign language version can be published with a single click. Whenever the website owner changes the original content the translator gets an instant notification so changes can be tracked and modifications made in a very short time.
Translation proxy makes website translation and the maintenance of language versions easy, faster and more transparent.


There are 3 ways of website translation, which include

1) Creating new instances for each target language
2) Using multilingual CMS, where you can edit the visual elements right in the CMS’s administration interface
3) Or using Translation Proxy
The problem with the first two ways of website translation is as follows:
a) They can’t use their Translation Memory, which results in discrepancy reduced quality of translation; much less speed and higher cost (no auto propagation option for the repetitions) can’t use their own translation workflow.
b) They need to get direct access to the CMS much less speed (vendors have to learn a totally different system) chance to mess up the original content
c) It’s hard to follow the new content the foreign visitors will see mixed language content
d) If the customer changes the CMS behind the site, they need to restart the whole translation in the new CMS for the whole content
e) Customer needs to allocate significant IT and PM cost for the translation workflow


The first and foremost use is that Translators can use their own system;
Secondly, this system is CMS independent. The customer can focus on the original site without bothering about the language versions ever again. Furthermore, they don’t need to spend IT, money, and time, the effort to extract the content, supply it to the translator, put the translation back, and keep all the language versions updated. It also costs less.

If there is new content, zero time needed above the translation to make it available in all the language version (timing is everything for a marketing department). Since there are no other instances, only the original website exists, the full control stays on the customer’s side

In-context translation if we look at the advantages of the translation, we come across the fact that it will perfectly fit in the layout and context. No need to send screenshots back and forth later to correct the translation. Example: In the Hawaiian language, ALOHA means “Welcome” and “Goodbye”. The vendor needs to see the context to decide which translation should be applied.

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